The next wave, we design

Company Information


Brand Story


The next wave,

we design

Incoming waves never repeat the same shape.

Just as ocean waves perpetually transform,
the realm of technology reinvents itself at every moment.

In the middle of these profound waves of change,
We engrave monumental innovation at the microscopic scale.

Within such a small semiconductor,
We harmoniously integrate analog and digital waves and flows,
Believing these precise connections will bridge humanity's present
and generate powerful ripples in this new era.

We will embrace new waves continuously.
We stand steadfast at the forefront.
Each semiconductor we design becomes the genesis point of waves that will shape the future.

The waves of innovation we design will become your future.

Waves of innovation designing tomorrow.


The next wave, we design

Waves of innovation designing tomorrow

Symbol Mark & Logo

    Symbol Mark
  • pc symbol mo symbol
    The red square is a reimagination of the parent group's heritage, symbolizing our humanitarian philosophy.
    The curved, white line signifies the "Lucky Linked Wave,” which means the flowing link to a sustainable future.
    The dynamic lines of varying thickness mirror a dynamic, innovative, and creative approach to challenges.
  • Color System
  • The color of the LOGO may show differences in brightness and saturation depending on the material used,
    so it is important to apply an integrated and consistent color.
    It is necessary to maintain uniformity between the LX brand image delivery and the colors applied.
    The ratio of the specified mix and material must be accurately selected and used depending on the medium to be used.

    • LX Red Pantone 7627C

      CMYK 21/100/80/15 RGB 167/43/42 Hex #A72B2A
    • LX Gray Pantone 410C

      CMYK 47/55/49/36 RGB 116/102/97 Hex #746661