The next wave, we design

Recruitment Information


    • This role is basically to understand product requirements and to design analog circuits for the functions and operations accordingly. In use of basic device characteristics of semiconductors, schematic circuits are designed with the following major functions:

      - Circuits for conversion of inputs from outside (sensor, ADC, DAC)
      - Power supply function (OP-Amp, DC-DC Convertor, Charge Pump)
      - Clock generation function (OSC)
      - Voltage change (Level Shifter)
      - High-speed data transmission function (PHY, Tx, Rx)

      Circuits stated above are designed and mixed with digital circuits to verify their operations, and these semiconductor chips to be developed are basically used to operate display panels.
    • Academic Credentials

      Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering
    • Requirements

      Basic competences to design analog circuits include understanding of semiconductor devices and properties, understanding of electronic circuits, and understanding of basic theories in various areas such as telecommunication. This role also requires analytic skills to understand product requirements, logical reasoning to design optimized circuits, and creativity to verify semiconductor functions in view of external environments. Abilities to utilize various tools for circuit designing are also required.
    • Digital design is to design, verify, and produce semiconductor chips in use of programming languages such as Matlab and C language for algorithm embodiment and the HDL (Hardware description Language) for digital circuit design.
    • Academic Credentials

      Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering
    • Requirements

      Basic competences to design digital circuits include understanding of semiconductor devices and properties, understanding of digital logic circuits, and understanding of basic theories in various areas such as telecommunication and the HDL. This role also requires analytic skills to understand product requirements, logical reasoning to design optimized circuits, and creativity to verify semiconductor functions in view of external environments. Abilities to utilize various tools for circuit designing are also required.
    • Development items include display resolution algorithms for the best performance realization (Image Enhancement, Noise Reduction, Image Sharpness, etc.). As the general display resolution is enhanced, algorithms of SR/HDR/data compression are also developed. Developed resolution IPs are provided for TV/IT/Mobile semiconductors. To realize the better performance, the deep learning (TensorFlow, PyTorch, Caffe-based network design) technology is used in designing resolution enhancement algorithms. For quantitative/qualitative evaluation on such resolution algorithms, tuning and measuring software programs are also developed.
    • Academic Credentials

      Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering / Computer Engineering
    • Requirements

      Development items include display resolution algorithms for the best performance realization (Image Enhancement, Noise Reduction, Image Sharpness, etc.). As the general display resolution is enhanced, algorithms of SR/HDR/data compression are also developed. Developed resolution IPs are provided for TV/IT/Mobile semiconductors.
      To realize the better performance, the deep learning (TensorFlow, PyTorch, Caffe-based network design) technology is used in designing resolution enhancement algorithms. For quantitative/qualitative evaluation on such resolution algorithms, tuning and measuring software programs are also developed.
    • Items for ARM-based products such as Device Driver/Middleware/Application/BSP (Board Support are developed and provided to customers. Boot loaders and GUI programs are developed in reflection of customer needs and provided to them.
    • Academic Credentials

      Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering / Computer Engineering
    • Requirements

      For software development, knowledge of the embedded system, CPU Architecture, and OS is required. Knowledge and skills related to refactoring and optimization are necessary for performance enhancement. For troubleshooting, debugging skills are also vital. Conceptual knowledge of serial communication, memory, and operation principles is essential. Basically, skills to use the C and other assembly languages are required. Debugging skills for troubleshooting are important.
    • This role includes handling various needs of customers and technical problems. In addition to development projects, optimized products and solutions are provided based on technical discussion with customers and in reflection of each customer's needs. To verify that the developed product operates in line with the intent of design, its functions, performance, and properties are evaluated. To this end, close cooperation with customers as well as the development department, sales department, and planning department is important. Continued development of one's own competences is also required in line with the latest technology trends and in application of new technologies.
    • Academic Credentials

      Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering
    • Requirements

      To handle customer needs and technical issues, skills of circuit design and analysis and IC application are required. In addition to knowledge of basic electronic components, understanding of electronic circuits, and abilities to analyze circuits, designing IC-based applied circuits and applications also requires analytic skills, logical reasoning, and insight.
    • Analogue/digital contents designed by the company's design department go through the physical design process according to the process specifications required by each foundry. Data are generated through various tools for semiconductor processing. This is like putting a period at the end, so to speak, so that a detailed design made of characters or symbols can be converted into the final pattern of a wafer.
    • Academic Credentials

      Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering
    • Requirements

      Understanding of analog/digital circuits is required based on the knowledge of electronic engineering. In addition, abilities to utilize designing tools used in the layout are required. communication skills are also important to reflect needs of other departments and customers in the layout.
    • Even before the step of foundry, specific verification is conducted on aspects, which may not be considered in the step of designing, by means of various random variables in the SystemVerilog-based UVM environments. The coverage is quantitatively digitized to enhance the completeness of semiconductors.
    • Academic Credentials

      Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering
    • Requirements

      Basic knowledge of semiconductor design is also required. Since the verification is performed in use of SystemVerilog, basic knowledge of SystemVerilog and UVM is required. Knowledge of programming languages is required to efficiently embody reference models based on the understanding of specifications. Additionally, foreign language skills would be very much helpful for collaboration with overseas partners.

Production Technique/Quality

    • FAB processes and post-processes (COF, PKG, etc.) are developed for product designing. To strengthen the competitiveness of previously manufactured products, attention is paid to enhancing processes, managing the process yield rate, and analyzing issues. Based on planned product roadmaps, continued R&D is required regarding mass production processes and high tech processes to be applied in the future. For duties stated above, close cooperation with the product design development, quality department, and procurement department.
    • Academic Credentials

      Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering / Chemistry
    • Requirements

      As to processing skills, a higher level of understanding is required on circuit design for analysis of the causality between the process and products as well as the basic knowledge of electronic circuits and semiconductor processes. For analysis of process trends and yields, logical statistical analysis and understanding of COF/COP/PKG in the post-processing area.
    • Test programs are developed to evaluate product characteristics and screen verified products. Tests are also conducted on newly developed products. Once product development is completed, the major task is to set up the product testing equipment for the transfer to the mass production system. To screen more competitive and verified products, test evaluation methods need to be optimized with new ones developed continually. To secure the efficiency of tests, changes to the product design may be suggested.
    • Academic Credentials

      Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering/ Control Engineering / Computer Engineering
    • Requirements

      Program coding (Perl, C, C++, etc.), basic electronic circuit designing skills, and applied circuit designing skills are required. Understanding of the latest trends of test equipment and technology is also required. Communication skills are necessary for close and systematic collaboration with the product design department and quality department.
      Understanding of application circuits and test equipment is necessary to evaluate basic operation principles of products. Analytic skills and insight are also important to analyze collected evaluation data.
    • Quality elements may be divided into 3 classes. The first is to verify and improve developed products and to maintain the quality of mass-produced goods. The second is to clearly understand needs of customers and partner companies for efficient responses in cooperation with related departments, Finally, the third is to plan every activity for smooth operation of the quality management system and to manage creation/revision of corporate standards, to conduct internal audits, to manage indicators, and to improve work processes.
    • Academic Credentials

      Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering / Industrial Engineering
    • Requirements

      A high level of product understanding is required. In case of issues, abilities to analyze and address the root cause are essential. Smooth communication with customers or partner companies, troubleshooting skills, and leadership for cooperation with related departments are all essential.
      To operate the quality management system requires problem analysis abilities, communication skills to express thoughts in a written form, and abilities to assess and improve results.


    • It is required to analyze trends in the industries of electronic components and electronics, to propose a direction for product advancement based on the understanding of general technology, and establish a basis for continuous growth of the company by finding new business partners, developing new products, and establishing sales strategies based on a wide range of relationships with customers. It is required to play a role as a communication channel for customers and to be involved in the general process from product planning to development, supply, and sales.
    • Academic Credentials

      Major Irrelevant
    • Requirements

      For B2B technical sales, understanding of the industry of semiconductors and electronic components. For market/customer analysis, marketing, and sales strategy establishment, a degree or basic knowledge in business fields or electronics and semiconductor materials is required in addition to the basic understanding of products. Since constant personal contacts with customers who are decision makers as well as developers are involved in B2B affairs, interpersonal skills and active and persuasive approaches are required.
    • Strategies are established based on the analysis of market environments and competitors. New product trends and customer needs are analyzed to increase sales and profits. Promotion activities for system semiconductor products are conducted in addition to customer channel/sales/supply management.
    • Academic Credentials

      Major Irrelevant
    • Requirements

      Interests in new markets and customers as well as the spirit of challenge and commitment to given duties and customers are essential. In addition, foreign language skills (English/Chinese/Japanese, etc.) and technical knowledge of system semiconductor designs and products are required.
    • To lead the market and develop and sell products that satisfy customers, it is required to analyze market environments, find opportunities to understand customer values, and suggest ideas for product development. Based on such activities, mid-term strategies and roadmaps for products and technologies are established. Key activities for product planning include specifically conceptualizing products and maximizing sales and profits. In a short run, structural issues of markets and products are analyzed and addressed. Activities to enhance the product structure are conducted accordingly.
      With the entrepreneur spirit, it is required to establish strategies for the related product and market and achieve management goals. To this end, roadmaps that find and apply prioritized and differentiated elements are organized and managed.
    • Academic Credentials

      Electrical Engineering / Electronic Engineering / Industrial Engineering
    • Requirements

      Basically, English speaking skills are required as part of the global mindset. For customer consultation and decision making in the company, accurate communication skills, persuasiveness, logical reasoning, presentation skills, documentation skills, etc. are required. Since information should be collected through communication with external or internal customers, interpersonal skills are required. Above all, a sense of responsibility and commitment is required in addition to the spirit of entrepreneur spirit and zeal.


    • Supply plans are made to optimize the production/sale/stock management in line with needs of each customer/product as predicted by the business division, and assistance is made for the communication and decision-making process among related departments. Based on such established supply plans, materials are purchased and an external partner company is entrusted with production and supply of a proper amount in a timely manner. To optimize the supply chain, we take the lead of optimal and innovative operation of processes and systems among SCM departments concerned.
    • Academic Credentials

      Electronic Engineering / Industrial Engineering / Business Administration
    • Requirements

      The most required competency among SCM managers is problem solving skills. In practical affairs, unexpected events occur frequently. The SCM manager needs to be able to think of the best solution within the shortest time in cooperation with related departments. Since the work is handled in a global perspective, foreign language skills are essential. Smooth communication with related departments, accurate communication skills, persuasiveness, logical reasoning, presentation skills, and a sense of responsibility and commitment are important.
    • It is required to analyze business environments and current conditions and to generally manage establishment and planning of company-wide midterm strategies. The major role is to assist the management's decision making by establishing mid/long-term business portfolios, suggesting and managing key missions, setting and evaluating goals for each sectors, analyzing markets and competitors, and so forth.
    • Academic Credentials

      Industrial Engineering / Business Administration
    • Requirements

      Planning and analytic competences are vital. Logical reasoning and communication skills to deliver one's opinions to others are important. In addition, smooth communication skills for consensus with the top management are necessary particularly for company-wide strategies. Finally, an integrated way of thinking is necessary to analyze and address management issues in general business areas.
    • Based on the visions and key values of LX Semicon, key elements may be divided into three: HRM (HR Management), HRD (HR Development), and organizational culture. As to HRM, the personnel management system is established with the focus on the competency and performance in line with the idea of the right people for the company. Reasonable evaluation, compensation, and training are realized so that talented individuals contribute to the organizational performance. As to HRD, optimal HRD solutions are developed and operated to secure competencies necessary for the organization and its members in a timely manner as well as the continuous growth. The training system for effective capability development is established with HRD infrastructures developed continually. Organizational culture s are established based on the company's key values. Organizational competences are maximized by inducing positive changes. The partnership between the company and its members is established for mutual growth.
    • Academic Credentials

      Major Irrelevant
    • Requirements

      The critical mind and analytic and planning skills are required to promptly and accurately understand, analyze, and address HR issues in the organization. To directly collect and embrace various opinions from members, the open mind, tolerance, and communication skills are required. For global HR implementation, outstanding foreign language speaking skills are also essential. Finally, the most fundamental factor is the warm heart to respect and love people.
    • The leader seeks to secure the space efficiency and pleasant office environments. In addition, internal and external supports for welfare are provided including vehicle management, membership, cafeteria management, etc. In addition to management of movable assets/real estates, General procurement is also one of the services.
    • Academic Credentials

      Business Administration
    • Requirements

      For constant contacts with other executives and employees as well as customers, interpersonal skills and efficient communication skills are required. The customer-oriented way of thinking is required to think and act in customers' perspective. To maintain the teamwork, the initiative, situation handling skills, and a sense of responsibility and commitment are also required. For asset management affairs, knowledge of related laws and regulations, basic financial/management accounting, etc. is essential. For purchasing affairs, the ability to determine prices and select partner companies in a fair and transparent manner is required.
    • Communication team is to provide media with information on companies/businesses/products and to communicate with outer entities continually. PR activities improve the corporate image and values by accurately and promptly reporting the company's business conditions, general management, and new issues to media sources. To achieve such PR goals, special articles and media reports are prepared in addition to brand management.
    • Academic Credentials

      Journalism / PR / Advertisement & Communications / Business Administration / Language and Literature
    • Requirements

      For PR to media sources, accurate analytic skills, data processing skills, writing skills, and language skills are required based on the basic knowledge of corporate promotion. For frequent contacts with journalists, active interpersonal relationships and communication skills with an open mind are essential. Reading News media every day and practicing to read between the lines from news will help understand internal and external trends and cope with them swiftly.
    • Financial areas are divided mainly to management planning, tax accounting, and financial duties. Management planning means to suggest future goals for the company. Tax accounting and financial duties are to keep the current financial status optimized. Activities to achieve goals in each area are converged into management planning for evaluation. Management planning is also to suggest goals for financial profitability in future projects. It plays a vital role in estimating the yieldability in the future.
    • Academic Credentials

      Business Administration
    • Requirements

      Financial duties require expertise of business administration such as enterprise accounting, management account, difference analysis, etc. and knowledge of related laws such as Commercial Code, Securities and Exchange Act, Foreign Currency Transaction Act, Fair Trade Act, etc. In addition, judgment for correct decision making in efficient operation of company resources and accurate numerical abilities to collect and analyze data for timely risk management are also required.
    • The business innovation process includes PI (Process Innovation) for optimization of corporate affairs and IT affairs for optimal establishment/operation of enterprise systems and IT infrastructures to be applied to processes based on the PI results. Information security affairs to protect the company's intelligence assets are also included.
    • Academic Credentials

      Computer Engineering / Industrial Engineering / Information & Data Security
    • Requirements

      Required competences include understanding of business systems such as ERP, understanding of web system development methodologies and IT infrastructures such as network/server, and understanding of work processes of finance/SCM/production. To define the optimal process and establish related systems, fundamental attributes and skills are required such as logical thinking, communication skills with various individuals concerned such as IT engineer and hands-on worker, etc. Keen interests in emerging information technologies will be of great help.
    • This area includes skills to prepare and review various contracts with domestic/overseas entities, legal advise, various legal assistance for corporate management activities, compliance, legal support for the general stockholders' meeting and board of directors, assistance for conflicts and lawsuits with parties concerned, and establishment/revision of company regulations and policies. Judicial affairs are handled to prevent legal risks and protect the company's assets to the fullest possible.
    • Academic Credentials

    • Requirements

      The work needs to be handled based on professional legal expertise. Logical and analytic skills, information collecting and processing skills for problem solving, legal understanding and application of related laws, expressiveness for efficient explanation of legal intents, etc. are required. In addition, the commitment to protecting the company's legitimate benefits is also important.
    • The safety and environment department is in charge of safety, environment, health, and disaster prevention management. It prevents industrial disasters by managing and handling hazardous risks at workplaces. It also creates pleasant working environments to promote safety and health of workers.
    • Academic Credentials

      Safety Engineering / Environmental Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Fire and Emergency Service / Health
    • Requirements

      General understanding and basic knowledge of safety & environments is essential, and based on it, it needs to be able to interpret and apply relevant laws properly.
      The fire and health area requires related certificates.