Best Technology, Better Future
LX Semicon contribute to society by practicing LX Group’s Core Values and solving community problems
Plan to continuously provide social contribution activities for various stakeholders in the local community
Implementation Framework
Support for Future Generations’ Growth
LX Semicon collaborates with local childcare facilities near our campuses (to enhance the living conditions for children)
Donated necessary items such as electronics and school supplies to these facilities (Children’s Day and national holidays) Organized employee donation bazaars and delivered donations (to help purchase buses for welfare organization)Scholarships for Undergraduate/Graduate Students Majoring in Semiconductors
LX Semicon awards scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students in semiconductor design-related fields (From 2019)
Award scholarships to the winning team of the ‘Korea Semiconductor Design Competition,’ hosted by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and EnergySupporting Sports for People with Disabilities
LX Semicon provides support to ‘a sports team of athletes with disabilities’ to promote sports for people with disabilities and expand its foundation
Supporting Local Community Disaster Relief
Donated to help rebuild areas affected by the 2023 torrential rains and provide relief to sufferers (National Disaster Relief Association)
Employee’s Engagement in Donation
LX Semicon implements a “scrap deduction” program for those who wish to participate (From 2018)
Used for social contribution activities that reflect the needs and interests of LX Semicon employeesSocial Contribution Education
LX Semicon conducted social contribution training for CAs(21 People)
Include concept and need for CSR, internal and external trends and implications Share best practices of LX Group, affiliates, and third-party social contribution, etc.This website prohibits unauthorized collection of posted email addresses using email collection programs or other technical devices. Violation of this may be punished by the [Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection], etc.
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[Purposes of collection and use of personal information] The company uses collected personal information for the following purpose: Collected personal information is not used for any other purposes than those stated below. If there is any change to the purposes, it will be notified of via the website. Membership for system use, one-on-one answer to an inquiry
[Personal information items to be collected] Name, e-mail, mobile phone no., company name
[Period of personal information use and retainment] For 3 years from the completion of handling the inquiry
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