Best Technology, Better Future


Human Rights Management

Human Rights Management Organization

LX Semicon establish and operate a decision-making system linked to the board of directors, departments in charge, and relevant departments to manage human rights management

In the event of risks discovered through grievance handling channel that may have a negative impact on human rights, immediate action and report to the CEO undertaken

※ Established ‘Human Rights Management Policy’ and approved by the ESG Committee (April 2024)
BOD ESG Committee

The highest decision-making body on human rights management

Department in Charge HR Division

Verify Labor Standard Act compliance

Manage maternity protection program operations and performance

Receive and act on reports of human rights violations, including grievances, sexual harassment, workplace bullying, etc.

Monitor and improve the hiring process, addressing any unreasonable hiring discrimination

Run a Labor-Management Council

Ethics Bureau

Receive and investigate grievances and cases of human rights violations such as sexual harassment and workplace bullying

Relevant Department Gov. Relations & ESG Team

Disclose key performance and data related to human rights management

SCM Division

Manage Supplier Code of Conduct

Information Security Team

Receive, investigate, and follow up on privacy breaches

Safety Environment Team

Employee wellness program

Create industrial accident prevention plan

Manage the environment near the workplace

Human Rights Management Policy

We establish and disclose the ‘LX Semicon Human Rights Management Policy’ to prevent and manage human rights violations

Built upon international standards and guidelines, including the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the United Nations Global Compact's Ten Principles, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct

Apply to all LX Semicon employees and other stakeholders, including suppliers, partners, and joint ventures

Campaigns for Raising Awareness

As part of our efforts to foster a culture of mutual respect and promote human rights within our organization, LX Semicon launched a campaign called ‘Respect Each Other’

Encourage employees to empathize with one another and use honorifics, regardless of job position to spread respect for human rights and mutual consideration throughout the company
<Respect Each Other>
Human Rights Education

Implement human rights education to all employees such as education on raised awareness of people with disabilities and prevention of workplace sexual harassment, etc.

Implement additional human rights education to leader positions (director, office/team leader)

2023: Implement sessions introduce attendance management measures and systems, and training on workplace harassment issues 2024: Implement training on workplace harassment issue
Supplier Human Rights Management

LX Semicon incorporated human rights-related articles into our ‘Supplier Code of Conduct’ to encourage supplier engagement and establish various human rights risk management frameworks

Supplier Code of Conduct Article 1 Labor and Human Rights
  • 1 Voluntary Work

  • 2 Prohibition of Child Labor and Management of Young Worker

  • 3 Prohibition of Excessive Overtime Work

  • 4 Wages and Benefits

  • 5 Prohibition of Discrimination and Workplace Bullying

  • 6 Freedom of Association

LX Semicon conducted ‘Human Rights Management Self-Assessment’, aimed at identifying potential human rights risks by relevant departments in the company, diagnosing the overall status of human rights management and deriving improvement tasks by detailed items

Developed diagnostic indicators for human rights management level in 2024 based on major domestic and international human rights guidelines and initiatives and conducted self-assessment by relevant departments 12 issues, 148 detailed items were developed as indicators, and as a result of self-diagnosis, the need to ‘operate a human rights management system’ and ‘strengthen responsible supply chain management’ was identified Policies will be established by relevant departments and risk management will be strengthened
Human Rights Management Checklist
NO. Issue Definition of Issue Application Area Item
1 Ensuring occupational safety and health Assess worker safety and environmental impact to ensure workers are working in safe and sanitary conditions

Workplace safety

Protection of pregnant women, people with disabilities, and others

Providing essential equipment, conduct training, etc.

Supporting workers injured

16 Items
2 Prohibition of forced labor Prohibit unreasonably restricting physical or mental freedom or forcing employees to work against their will

Prohibition of forced labor

Inhumane practices, including human trafficking

Prevention of forced labor by subsidiaries and suppliers

12 Items
3 Prohibition of child labor Comply with minimum age employment laws and regulations in each country and region

Prohibition of the hiring of underage workers

Procedures for addressing inadvertent employment of minors

13 Items
4 Freedom of association Uphold the right of workers and employers to form and join associations and engage in collective bargaining

Protection of freedom of association and collective bargaining

Prohibition of penalizing labor union activities

Ensuring collective bargaining coverage and enforce in good faith

Alternative actions in the absence of a labor union

14 Items
5 Compliance with working hours Comply with regular, overtime, and holiday working hours regulations set by laws and regulations in each country and region

Employee’s working hours

2 Items
6 No discrimination/ workplace bullying Promote equal opportunity in hiring, promotion, compensation, training, etc., and prohibit discrimination and harassment based on social status, etc.

No discrimination in employment

No gender discrimination in employment

No discrimination for non-regular employees

No discrimination for foreign employees

20 Items
7 Wages and benefits Pay wages at or above minimum wage levels set by labor laws in each country and region

Wages and benefits

2 Items
8 Responsible supply chain management Encourage suppliers' human rights practices and avoid sourcing minerals mined directly or indirectly from high-risk and conflict-affected areas

Prevention of human rights abuses by suppliers and others

Conducting monitoring

Prevention of human rights abuses by security personnel

Responsible management of minerals and raw materials sourcing

9 Items
9 Information security Enhance security measures to prevent the unauthorized release of consumer/customer personal information and implement information security training

Customer personal information

Protection of intellectual property

8 Items
10 Ensuring environmental rights Establish and maintain an environmental management system, disclose environmental information, and adhere to a precautionary approach to environmental issues

Establishment and maintenance of an environmental information system

Principles of a precautionary approach to environmental issues

Disclosure of environmental information

Development of contingency plans

16 Items
11 Establishment of human rights management system Establish a company-wide human rights management system, including policies, organizational structure, and grievance handling channels

Human Rights Policy Statement

Organizational structure for Human Rights Management

Grievance handling channels

12 Items
12 Operation of human rights management system Operate a comprehensive human rights management system, including risk assessments, performance management, and remediation efforts

Periodic human rights impact assessments

Improvement activities

Human rights management performance

Preparing remedial actions

Human rights risk

24 Items

LX Semicon provides remedies to mitigate and effectively address adverse human rights impacts and operate various grievance handling channels

Ensure anonymity during post-grievance investigations to prevent whistleblowers from being penalized Implement separate measures to prevent retaliation and discrimination against whistleblowers following a report (to prevent secondary victimization)

We report the results to the CEO after the Grievance Handling Council

  • Pre-Preparation

    Identify Member Issue

    Receive VOE Receive issues related to workplace bullying, working hours, way of working, etc.

    Consult about and address grievances Handle issues and come up with remedies

    Identify Organization Issue

    Communicate through the CA at the organizational level Identify and understand issues within the organization

  • Meetings by Organization

    Once a month Discuss VOE and inform CA/HR announcements

    Address employees’ grievances and provide feedback

  • CA Council

    Discuss meeting results by organization Share the best practices, VOE and grievances within the organization

    Share issues by agenda Share activity details and issues/support matters

    Determine agenda items to be on the table for the Grievance Handling Council

  • Grievance Handling Council

    Lead by the HR part, make decisions on grievance reported

Grievance Handling and Suggestion Channel
Category Details
Grievance Now Talk (Online) Operate Grievance Handling Reporting Channel within the In-house Intranet (Online)
CA Hotline Report to the CAs through anonymous channel (KakaoTalk)
Reporting Channel for Workplace Bully and Sexual Harassment Report to the person in charge of the Corporate Culture Team (Online and offline)
Operate Sexual Harassment/Workplace Bullying Reporting Channel within the In-house Intranet (Online)
Ethics Hotline (Online) Operate ‘Ethics Hotline’ within the website
Ethics Bureau Enable reporting through online, in-person visits, postal mail, email, or phone calls
Remedial Actions

The number of ethics violations related to discrimination cases (gender discrimination, discrimination on people with disabilities, workplace harassment, etc.) in the last three years and the remedial actions taken in response:

2021 (Overseas): 1 sexual harassment case / disciplinary dismissal 2021 (Domestic): 1 incident of workplace harassment / separation from victim and disciplinary action 2022 (Domestic): 1 case of sexual harassment, 1 case of workplace harassment / separation from victim and disciplinary action

Increase sexual harassment and workplace bullying prevention training after an incident: implement customized training by position and by gender