The next wave, we design
We enhance the company value and protect the interests of our shareholders through reasonable and transparent management.
LX Semicon conducts Jeong-Do management education, public relations, and reporting surveys with the Jeong-Do Management Team under the CEO for systematic implementation of Jeong-Do Management and conducts regular diagnosis to support the produce results from internal groups and enhancement of competitiveness.
All employees of LX Semicon are trained by job category and position as well as online training to provide Jeong-Do management training.
We are striving to establish an organizational culture for Jeong-Do Management through various public relations activities such as sending newsletters and conducting Quiz and Events.
We operate a bulletin board on the company intranet that contains detailed information related to Jeong-Do Management, such as the Management Philosophy and LX Code of Ethics, detailed guidelines for implementation, and Jeong-Do Management Q&A. Through this, we prevent violations that may occur because employees of LX Semicon do not accurately understand the LX Code of Ethics and allow them to get answers for questions about Jeong-Do Management.
We operate a reporting channel on the company intranet so that employees of LX Semicon can consult and report on sexual harassment. (Anonymous report is possible)
The executives and employees of LX Semicon are committed to complying with the LX Code of Ethics and practicing Jeong-Do Management through a pledge to practice Jeong-Do Management and compliance with anti-corruption laws, partner companies are also participating in this pledge.
LX Semicon employees are strictly prohibited from accepting money, gifts, entertainment, services, and convenience from stakeholders for any reason. If it is unavoidably received, it is voluntarily reported to the Jeong-Do Management Team and returned, or if it is impossible to return it, it is required to donate to a social welfare organization.
LX Semicon runs an ethics hotline system to receive reports about cases where an employee violates Jeong-Do Management or engages in corruption and unethical practices. LX Semicon endeavors to root out employees' corruption and unethical practices and improve unreasonable systems and business processes.
In order to further strengthen business transparency and accountability, and to eradicate corruption that damage customer value, we are implementing a reward system for reporting corruption and corruption.
The Jeong-Do Management Survey, which checks the company's awareness of Jeong-Do Management for employees and partner companies, is conducted every year, and the results of the survey are used for education, promotion, and finding ideas for system improvement.
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Illegal Response CenterPlease carefully read the terms regarding collection, use, and provision of personal information below and decide whether you agree on them.
[Purposes of collection and use of personal information] The company uses collected personal information for the following purpose: Collected personal information is not used for any other purposes than those stated below. If there is any change to the purposes, it will be notified of via the website. Membership for system use, one-on-one answer to an inquiry
[Personal information items to be collected] Name, e-mail, mobile phone no., company name
[Period of personal information use and retainment] For 3 years from the completion of handling the inquiry
[Disadvantages upon disagreement on the collection and use of personal information] A user may disagree on any of the terms and conditions and on the collection of personal information. In this case, the use of service may be limited.