Best Technology, Better Future


Jeong-Do Management/Anti-Corruption

LX Jeong-Do Management

  • LX’s Jeong-Do Management refers to a code of conduct to compete fairly and create results by continuously developing capabilities based on ethical management

    Apply to all employees and stakeholders under the principles of Honesty, Fair Treatment, and Fair Competition based on Competence

    The Ethics Bureau runs various training and implementation programs to enhance the level of understanding of Jeong-Do Management and its practices

  • LX’s Jeong-Do Management refers to a code of conduct to compete fairly and create results by continuously
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    Working transparently according to our principles and standards

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    Fair Treatment

    Provide equal opportunity and fair treatment in all business contexts

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    Fair competition based on competence

    Develop the competence to compete and win fairly

Jeong-Do Management Governing Organization
  • Strengthen Jeong-Do Management with the operation of ‘Management Diagnosis/Improvement Department’ under the CEO
  • Implement awareness activities that include monitoring, preventing, and improving ethics-related risks, as well as providing Jeong-Do Management training to employees
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Jeong-Do Management Implementation

LX Code of Ethicss_link
  • Provide basic guidelines for LX integrity management, prioritizing ethical values for employees to practice

    The LX Code of Ethics serves as the standard for proper behavior and value judgment for all employees

    It provides direction for free and fair competition and fosters common interests with all stakeholders based on mutual trust and cooperation

  • Chapter 1

    Responsibilities and
    Duties to Customers

    • 1.

      Respecting Customer

    • 2.

      Creating Value

    • 3.

      Providing Value

  • Chapter 2


    • 1.

      Pursuing Free Competition

    • 2.

      Complying with Laws and Regulations

  • Chapter 3


    • 1.

      Equal Opportunity

    • 2.

      Fair Transaction Process

    • 3.

      Pursuing Mutual Growth

  • Chapter 4

    Basic Ethics
    for Employee

    • 1.

      Basic Ethics

    • 2.

      Accomplishing Missions

    • 3.


    • 4.

      Fair Handling of Job

    • 5.

      Avoiding Conflict of Interests with the Company

  • Chapter 5


    • 1.

      Respecting Humanity

    • 2.

      Fair Treatment

    • 3.

      Promoting Creativity

  • Chapter 6

    Responsibilities to the Environment, Society, and Shareholders

    • 1.

      Conservation of the Environment

    • 2.

      Contributing to Social Development

    • 3.

      Protecting Shareholders’ Returns

Pledge for Jeong-Do Management Practice
  • All members of LX Semicon sign and submit the ‘Jeong-Do Management Practice Pledge’ to comply with and practice Jeong-Do Management
  • Include anti-corruption laws and regulations to prohibit improper acts such as unreasonable collusion, illegal political subsidy or bribery
  • Include the ‘Jeong-Do Management Practice Pledge’ in the standard contract when dealing with suppliers, and proceed with the contract only after it is signed

As of January 2024

No. of People pledged for
Jeong-Do Management practice

1,593 (100%)

Voluntary Practice of Jeong-Do Management
  • Implement various activities to establish a company-wide Jeong-Do Management culture (awareness of complying with Jeong-Do Management and anti-corruption)

    Send a Jeong-Do Management newsletter to employees and post ‘Jeong-Do Management Story’ every month

    Produce and release ‘Jeong-Do Management Web Content’ on the in-house intranet

    Publish the ‘Jeong-Do Management Newsletter’ in each language of overseas subsidiaries to enhance their participation (Chinese, Japanese, etc.)

    Provide offline education for employees (utilizing gamification)

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    Jeong-Do Management

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    Jeong-Do Management
    Education utilizing gamification

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    Jeong-Do Management
    web content

Anti-Corruption Risk Management

Pledge Compliance with Anti-corruption Regulations
  • Engage all employees to sign and submit the pledge for ‘Anti-Corruption Law Compliance’ (Annually)
  • Provide the Pledge in English and Chinese for overseas employees

<Pledge of Compliance to Bribery Prevention Laws>

Bribery Reporting System
  • All LX Semicon members are obligated to comply with the LX Code of Ethics and to prohibit any unfair trade practices. Based on the LX Code of Ethics, prohibit the exchange of money, gifts, entertainment, and hospitality to ensure fair trade with business partners and suppliers
  • The CEO directly sends out a ‘No gift-giving or receiving’ notice to employees, suppliers, and business partners (Lunar New Year’s Day and Chuseok)
  • Must courteously refuse and return money or gifts if received (If returning the item is unfeasible, it must be reported to the Ethics Bureau)
Reward for Reporting Corruption
  • Persist in efforts to ensure business transparency and prevent corruption that compromises the value of our customers by operating a reward system to incentivize reporting corruptions
Corruption Risk Assessment
  • Conducts corruption risk assessment for all domestic business sites

    Business sites conducted corruption risk assessment in 2023 : a total of 4(Daejeon, Gangnam, Yangjae, Siheung Campus)

    No business sites have identified a significant corruption risk

Violation Reporting Channel(Ethics-Hotline)s_link
  • Operation of Ethics-Hotline that can report violations on LX Code of Ethicst
  • Reports can be anonymous, and reports found to be true through investigations will have follow-up measures such as disciplinary action, work process improvement, and quality management education
  • The informant and the contents of the report are strictly handled by the confidentiality of the management organization, and the reporting system is protected by a secure security system. In addition, the processing of reports is carried out by a limited number of people who have pledged strict confidentiality for the contents of the report