The next wave, we design

Jeong-Do Management

Ethics Hotline

We operate an ethics hotline under which employees can report violations of Righteousness Management or corruption.

  • Report Type

    Reportable offenses include receiving rewards from stakeholders, unfair equity participation with business partners, selecting suppliers with lack of transparency, being involved in an illegal or unfair use of company assets, and manipulation or dishonest reporting of documents and numbers.

    • Illegal/Unfair use of company assets Use of tangible/intangible assets for inappropriate purposes, embezzlement and peculation of public funds
    • Receiving rewards from stakeholders Providing money, entertainment, conveniences, borrowing, debt repayment, guarantees, monetary loans, future guarantees
    • Manipulation or false reporting of documents/numbers Accounting fraud, information manipulation
    • Unfair equity participation with business partners Receiving stocks, investments or joint investments, and acquiring joint properties
    • Any other acts that violate righteousness management Negligence of duty, negligence in management, arrogation, indecent acts, etc.
    • Lack of transparency in supplier selection Unfairness in opportunity granting, unfair trading practices, leakage of supplier information
  • Handling Reported Issues

    If the informant reports under his/her real name and explicitly requests result feedback, the results shall be fed back to the informant unless the legitimate rights and interests of the company are infringed.

  • Informant (Whistleblower) Protection

    We do not disclose any information that reveals or suggests the identity of the informant without the consent of the informant, and we take full responsibility (including the recovery of the original state) for any disadvantages caused by failure to comply with it. The relevant protections for the informant are as follows.

    • 1
      The identity of the informant
    • 2
      Evidence presented by the informant or information collected related to the report
    • 3
      Matters that may imply the person to be spoken with
    • 4
      Follow-up measures for results after reporting, etc.
  • Contact: LX Semicon Ethics Bureau

    Reports can be made by e-mail, telephone, or fax.

    • Tel. +82-2-2081-7400
      Fax. +82-2-2081-7401
    • LX Semicon Ethics Bureau, 2621, Nambusunhwan-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
    • Ethics Hotline
      We do not disclose any information that reveals or suggests the identity of the informant without his/her. Reports can be made anonymously, but please leave your contact information for accurate and prompt action on our part. Report Now