The next wave, we design


General MCU

The General MCU (Micro Controller Unit) is a key IC that functions as a brain of electronic controllers.
This semiconductor integrates the CPU Core, memory, and input/output devices. In general, the General MCU is used for e-mbedded systems.
It is programmed to perform specific multiple functions that are selected to control each product as required.

  • Various products in various areas

    The General MCU of LX Semicon are mass-produced and applied to electronic home appliances of major global enterprises with its outstanding performance and quality recognized. Based on the Arm Core, various types of products are supplied depending on the required CPU performance, memory capacity, interface, channel, etc.

    Various products in various areas
  • Customized design on the basis of the independent design technologies

    From Dual Flash Memory for FOTA (Firmware Over The Air) functions to the Sub MCU suitable for inverters and certain functions, and to the Motor / Gate Driver IC to control various motors, LX Semicon provides Total Solutions that meet customer needs. We offer products that are customized for customer needs based on the stable, independent design technologies.