Best Technology, Better Future


Environmental Management

Environmental Management Governance

The ESG committee, the ESG council, and the safety and environment team are operated under the board of directors, which is a highest decision-making body. The ESG committee under the board of directors deliberates and decides on issues related to environmental management and manages and supervises countermeasures against environmental risks. The ESG council derives the company's environmental management agenda and countermeasures against environmental risks based on collaboration between departments, and the safety and environment team is responsible for establishing environmental management policies and finding tasks for improvement.
※ Environmental goal and performance are monitored annually, and regulatory response based on the Plan-Do-Check-Action process through internal and external audits

Environmental Management Governance Environmental Management Governance

Environmental Management Strategy

LX Semicon has established and disclosed policies based on ISO 14001(Environmental Management System) and ISO 50001(Energy Management System) certifications.

Environmental Management Roadmap

To establish 'Enhance environmental values for future generations’ as the direction of corporate environmental management, LX Semicon is promoting the advancement of environmental management by establishing a mid- to long-term roadmap and implementing detailed tasks by strengthening the environmental management system based on ISO 14001.

  • Strengthen the foundation for environmental management Strengthen the foundation for environmental management
    ~2023 Strengthen the foundation for environmental management

    Expand the acquisition of international standards certification

    Setting environmental data management indicators

  • Internalization of Environmental Management Internalization of Environmental Management
    ~2025 Internalization of Environmental Management

    Establishment of objectives and environmental impact assessment

    Strengthen environmental awareness of executives and employees

  • Advancement of Environmental Management Advancement of Environmental Management
    2026~ Advancement of Environmental Management

    Environmental impact reduction activities

    Investment and operation of eco-friendly facilities

Action Plan
  • 1 Provide training for employees and suppliers to improve their understanding of environmental management

    Employee Environmental Training : Implement environmental training to increase understanding of environmental regulations and foster a culture of environmental compliance (online training)

    Environmental Manager Training : Implement mandatory environmental training for those in charge of environmental work in related departments such as air, wastewater, etc.

    Supplier LCA Training : Life Cycle Assessment (LCA*) training for suppliers to prepare them to manage their own product GHG emissions (Planned to apply LCA technique for each of LX Semicon products and manage and monitor related data)

    * LCA(Life Cycle Assessment) : A technique for assessing the environmental impacts that may occur throughout the life cycle of a product
  • 2 Improvement of employees' awareness of environmental management and expansion of participation

    Participation in the “Zero Waste Challenge” organized by the Ministry of Environment (2023)

    Committed to reduce the use of single-use products and expand the use of multi-use products by participating in environmental campaigns organized by the Ministry of Environment (disclosed on LX Semicon’s social media)

    Launching a “Go Paperless” campaign to reduce unnecessary paper use (company-wide)

    Conduct Awareness Campaign

    Implement GHG and energy reduction awareness campaigns for employees (winter and summer season, through campus bulletin boards)

    Improvement of employees' awareness of environmental management and expansion of participation

Environmental Risk Management

Environmental Impact Assessment

LX Semicon conducts an environmental impact assessment to determine the environmental risks and impacts of each organization's activities, designs, products and services. It applies to all business activities related to products and services and comprehensively analyzes the environmental significance of products and services such as chemicals, air pollution, soil pollution, and waste discharge, as well as the impact of laws and regulations from a business perspective.

  • Determine what environmetal aspects to capture

    Determine what environmetal aspects to capture

  • Identify environmental aspects

    Identify environmental aspects

  • Assess environmental impacts

    Assess environmental impacts

  • Establish improvement plans

    Establish improvement plans

  • Implement improvement activities

    Implement improvement activities

  • Validate the effectiveness of improvements

    Validate the effectiveness of improvements

  • Continue data-driven improvement

    Continue data-driven improvement

Environmental Management Certification

Acquisition of ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) in 2012, Expansion of the scope of certification in 2022 (all sites remain certified)

Acquisition of ISO 50001 (Energy Management System) in 2023 to address climate change and improve energy management efficiency

Stablish energy management goals based on international standards and develop an achievement strategy
Certificate of Environmental Management System <Certificate of
Management System>
Certificate of Energy Management System <Certificate of Energy Management System>

Implication of KPIs to measure and improve company-wide environmental management performance targeting organizational leaders (executives), team leaders, and staff

2023: Established and disclosed carbon neutral roadmap, obtained new ISO certification (ISO 50001), etc.

2024: Build green workplace infrastructure, drive Scope 3 management activities, etc.