Best Technology, Better Future
In order to respond to ESG risks systematically in collaboration with various stakeholders, LX Semicon is implementing ESG management under the vision ‘Best Technology, Better Future,’ setting ‘Think Green,’ ‘Winning Together,’ and ‘Be Trustworthy’ as its three strategic directions. Based on this vision and strategy, LX Semicon is striving to internalize and strengthen ESG management in cooperation with various stakeholders.
We focus on protecting the environment with stakeholders for a sustainable future.
We share our growth and success by promoting the value of mutual growth.
We build trust with stakeholders based on transparent governance.
LX Semicon has established and operates a company-wide management system to manage various ESG risks that affect its business directly or indirectly. The Board of Directors, as the highest decision-making body, conducts deliberations and approves major issues related to ESG and internal transactions on a regular basis. The ESG Committee, established under the BOD in 2022, reviews, resolves, and oversees issues related to ESG, including internal transactions. The ESG Committee meets as often as necessary in addition to the semi-annual meetings, and reports to the BOD on issues reviewed or approved in accordance with the BOD's regulations.
Meeting | Date | Agenda | ||
Board of Directors | 1st | 2023.01.26 | Approved | Approval of occupational health and safety plans |
4th | 2023.04.20 | Approved | Appointment of ESG Committee members | |
5th | 2023.07.26 | Reported |
Report on the results of the ESG Committee meeting - Report on the publication of the Sustainability Report - Report on the results of ESG materiality assessment - Report on the Carbon-Neutrality Roadmap |
Approved | Approval of self-transactions with affiliates, etc. | |||
6th | 2023.11.08 | Reported |
Report on the results of the ESG Committee meeting - Report on the implementation status of ESG management and plans - Report on the 2023 self-transaction performance |
Approved |
Approval of self-transaction with major shareholders, etc. Approval for the renewal of LX trademark license agreement |
ESG Committee | 1st | 2023.06.07 | Reported |
1. Report on the publication of the Sustainability Report 2. Report on the results of ESG materiality assessment 3. Report on the Carbon-Neutrality Roadmap |
2nd | 2023.07.24 | Approved | 1. Approval of self-transactions with affiliates, etc. | |
3rd | 2023.11.03 | Reported |
1. Report on the implementation status of ESG management and plans 2. Report on the 2023 self-transaction performance |
Approved |
1. Approval of the aggregate limit on transactions with related parties 2. Approval of self-transaction with major shareholders, etc. 3. Approval for the renewal of the LX trademark license agreement |
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