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This website prohibits unauthorized collection of posted email addresses using email collection programs or other technical devices. Violation of this may be punished by the [Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection], etc.
Illegal Response CenterPlease carefully read the terms regarding collection, use, and provision of personal information below and decide whether you agree on them.
[Purposes of collection and use of personal information] The company uses collected personal information for the following purpose: Collected personal information is not used for any other purposes than those stated below. If there is any change to the purposes, it will be notified of via the website. Membership for system use, one-on-one answer to an inquiry
[Personal information items to be collected] Name, e-mail, mobile phone no., company name
[Period of personal information use and retainment] For 3 years from the completion of handling the inquiry
[Disadvantages upon disagreement on the collection and use of personal information] A user may disagree on any of the terms and conditions and on the collection of personal information. In this case, the use of service may be limited.