LX Semicon LOGO contains the corporate goal of becoming a representative company of system semiconductors. LX Semicon LOGO is a combination of a symbol mark and a logo tape.


Primary Color

Pantone LX RED

  • CMYK21/100/80/15
  • RGB167/43/42
  • Hex#A72B2A

Pantone 410 C

  • CMYK47/55/49/36
  • RGB116/102/97
  • Hex#746661
  • The color of the LOGO may show differences in brightness and saturation depending on the material used, so it is important to apply an integrated and consistent color.
  • It is necessary to maintain uniformity between the LX brand image delivery and the colors applied.
  • The ratio of the specified mix and material must be accurately selected and used depending on the medium to be used.

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