Best Technology, Better Future


Hazardous Substances and Resource Management

Environmental Hazardous Substance Management

Management of all process and raw material conformity approvals for products, and the management and monitoring of environmental hazardous substance statements

LX Semicon is a fabless company with no production facilities. Considering the business characteristic of producing products through external partners, LX Semicon reflects customer requirements and international standards in advance in its hazardous substance standards and implements hazardous substance management for various raw and subsidiary materials used by suppliers in production based on these standards

When developing or mass-producing new products, activities to comply with international standards for hazardous substances are monitored in the SCS (Supplier Collaboration System) to manage hazardous substances in real time. Also, procedures are established to prevent suppliers from approving products if they fail to comply with the company's standards

Periodic Quality System Audits (QSA) of outsourced suppliers are conducted to ensure compliance with our hazardous substance standards and international regulations, driving corrective actions and continuous improvements

Management Process
  • 1 Select subjects to environmental management

    Keep track of RoHS, REACH, etc.

  • 2 Review applicability
    (when updated)

    Revise the management criteria for restricted substances for use and apply when they are listed as SVHC

  • 3 Register in regulations
    (revision to management criteria)

    Make an amendment to the criteria for management

  • 4 Apply and management

    Check related documents and test results when applied

  • 5 Provide data for stakeholders

    Properly respond to customers’ and stakeholders’ demand

Substances Subject to Management
Category Substances subject to management
Substances Restricted RoHS Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr6+, PBBBs, PBDEs, Phthalate(DEHP, DBP, BBP, DIBP)
Halogen Br, CI
Antimony Sb
Berylium Be
Substances under management REACH SVHC(Substances of Very High Concern) designated by EU
Perfluorooctanoic acid PFOA
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid PFOS
Arsenic As
Polyvinyl chloride PCBs
Waste Mitigation Activities

Waste generated on campus is separated into recyclable cartons, plastic bottles, paper, etc. through segregation

PCBs and chips generated during the design and test process are disposed of separately by providing dedicated collection boxes