
Low Power designs are important for smartwatches with long display use time.
LX Semicon’ chipset that operates smartwatch increases battery life by adjusting the refreshing rate according to the output screen.

Drives 77% of the world’s smart watches.

* Based on 2019 Flexible OLED Smart Watch

LX Semicon started mass production of Flexible OLED Driver-IC for smartwatches in 2014.
In 2018, we achieved technological innovation by mass-producing OLED Driver-IC that supports LTPO OLED Display for the first time in the world.
Implement the highest quality display with LX Semicon’ Flexible OLED Driver-IC, proven with over 100 million shipments.

  • Mass-Production of the
    World’s first prototype
    Flexible OLED Driver-IC
  • Mass production of
    square Flexible
    OLED Driver-IC
  • Mass production of the world’s first LTPO
    OLED Driver-IC

  • Over 100 million units of OLED Driver-IC
    for smart watch shipped

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Touch Controller IC
Touch Controller IC is an IC that sense changes when touching the screen
with a finger or pen, senses position/angle/sensitivity,
and forwards it to the Application Processor(AP).
OLED DDI (OLED Display Driver IC)
The OLED DDI consists of a Timing Block that transmits video signals
from the AP to the drive block, a Drive Block that operates the TFT, and a
Compensation and Quality Improvement Block. LX Semicon’ OLED DDI
resolves staining phenomena caused by TFT process and OLED depo-
sition deviation and deterioration caused by organic material characteris-
tics through its own compensation/definition improvement algorithm
and implements a clearer screen.

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