IWB (Interactive White Board)
Multi-touch functionality slows multiple people to work together.
Offers an IWB-optimized solution with convenient writing and pen touch.
- SRIC (Source Driver+Touch Readout)
- SR(Source Driver+Touch Readout)IC combines the function of the Source Driver IC, which drives the TFT, and the Readout IC, which detects touch signals and transmits them to the Touch IC.
- T-Con (Timing Controller)
- The Timing Controller separates the data delivered by the system into
digital image data and control signals and forwards it to the Driver IC.
- T-MCU (Touch MCU)
- Touch MCU is a Micro Controller Unit(MCU) that converts and processes Touch Data from Readout IC or SRIC into digital signals.
- TMLS (Touch Modulation Level Shifter)
- TMLS is an IC that combines the Touch Modulation IC, which maximizes Touch performance by synchronizing the Gate and VCOM voltages with the Touch signal while Touching, and the Lvel Shift function, which converts the TFT Turn-on/off voltage to Gate Clock for Gate in Panel(GIP).